Monday, July 16, 2012

A month in Chile

24 in Chile    16th July 2014

It has been some time since my last post. A lot of experiences have been had. Currently I am back in Santiago with Martha, Katie, Dana, and Allison in Hostel Bella 296. We spent the day on a walking tour and  got up around 8 this morning to catch the bus to Santiago. One of the most humorous things was Allison being asked to step off the bus and almost receiving a ticket for not wearing her seat belt when none of us actually knew that there was such a regulation. On Sunday I spent my day working on homework for my Chilean culture and history class. Saturday I woke up rather late but managed to attend the Scout meeting of Aquiles Ramirez, I also took some photos of the Feria held on Argentina Avenue in Valparaiso and also of the local Jumbo which is the Chilean version of Walmart.

For my Birthday on Friday our class went to the Caleta Portales and spoke with the fishermen. Later in the afternoon we watched a film for class known as the City of Photographers which highlighted the photographers during the Pinochet dictatorship. That evening we went to the San Luis restaurant in Vina del Mar where we had Parillada. A gigantic smorgasbord of various meats and potatoes at the very local restaurant. Then we went to Bar Arena in Valparaiso where we met up with my scouting friend Giovanni. I met some great people at the club which was gigantic with 4 floors. 

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