Friday, June 29, 2012

Because Education Is a Right

Yesterday the Gringos and I had the opportunity to partake in one of many country wide protest parades that are in favor of making education free. The school system is very different from that of the United States. There are the traditional municipal schools run by the government and based upon economic activity. Voucher/Subsidiary schools that receive subsidies from schools and subsidies for each students, and finally completely private schooling that is quite costly and does not guarantee an excellent education.

The protest was something else to experience. Students have a lot more power over how their school system functions and are directly involved in decision making even at the grade school level. They begin creating leaders at a very young age. 

This is an exciting time as the student protests from the year before are just waiting for the promises the Chilean Government made for them. There were around 5000 protesters from various causes and organizations present the majority of them from surrounding universities.

The march was very peaceful and orderly throughout. However, once the parade reached about 4 blocks away from the Congressional building barricades were in place and that is when the confrontation begins between the protesters and pacos.

There are many pictures here and I wish I had stayed longer, but the group was ready to move on as chemically laden water was sprayed and teargas began to be thrown.

Where we started our march. Just a block from the PUCV is the student federation where activities are organized.

 Allison and I cutting out handouts to give to the crowd advertising a student forum occurring that evening which invites students to participate.
 The march down Avennida Brasil to Plaza Sotomayor

 A girl mocking the media system and its coverage of the protests

 Pan pipes drums and more

 Many people were selling snacks, hamburgers, and drinks throughout the March

 Performers enlivened the march and moral during the parade

 Grandmothers supporting the cause


Having the right of way down street Freire

 The chemical water being sprayed at protesters

 Exit street